1. Basic concepts

1.1. Personal data – means any information related to a natural person – Data subject whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined using data such as a personal code, one or more physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social characteristics characteristic of a person character traits.

1.2. Processing of Personal Data – means any action performed with Personal Data: collection, recording, accumulation, storage, classification, grouping, connection, change (addition or correction), provision, publication, use, logical and/or arithmetic operations, search, dissemination , destruction or other action or set of actions.

1.3. Automatic method – refers to actions carried out in whole or in part by automatic means.

1.4. Data subject (natural person) from whom the Company receives and processes personal data.

1.5. Depersonalization of a player’s profile is an action in which the name and surname are coded with randomly generated codes, contact information is deleted from the database, and instead of the date of birth, only the year of birth is left for age identification. In this way, age (by year of birth), gender and tennis match data and tennis statistical indicators of that account remain on the rna.lt website, but without any association with the person and the possibility of tracing the identity.

1.6. rna.lt team members – rna.lt employees working under other cooperation agreements and volunteers.

2. General Provisions

2.1. These personal data processing rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate the main principles and procedures for processing the personal data of registered visitors (hereinafter referred to as Players) of the website www.rna.lt (hereinafter referred to as the rna.lt website).

2.2. The data controller is rna.lt, whose legal entity code is [company code], with its registered office at [company address].

2.3. Personal data are processed in accordance with the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania (February 1, 2008, No. X-1444), other laws and legal acts regulating data processing and protection, as well as these Rules.

2.4. Personal data are collected, processed, and stored automatically for lawful purposes when a person gives consent, i.e., agrees to comply with the terms of use of the TenisoNamai.lt website. Consent is valid indefinitely until the person withdraws their consent by informing the rna.lt website team by email at info@rna.lt.

2.5. rna.lt collects personal data in the following ways:

  • Players enter data about themselves: This occurs when a visitor fills out a new Player form when registering on the rna.lt website (creates a Player profile), edits data in their profile, and enters additional data during tournament registration.
  • Tournament organizers enter data: When a tennis tournament is organized through the rna.lt website, the tournament organizers register unregistered players on the website after familiarizing them with these rules.
  • Data generated by the rna.lt website based on tennis match data entered: The website calculates statistical Player indicators based on the entered tennis match data: the ratio of won to played matches/sets/games, systemizes match history, calculates the probability of winning against another player, calculates Player rating, and other statistical indicators.
  • Data obtained from tennis clubs: Tennis clubs inform which Players belong to their club, and then the rna.lt website administrators mark the player’s membership in the tennis club.

2.6. rna.lt collects, processes, and stores the following personal data:

  • Identification data: Name, surname.
  • Contact data: Email address, phone number, city of residence.
  • Demographic information: Date of birth (only age is publicly displayed; it can be hidden if the player wishes), gender.
  • Personal tennis game characteristics (optional): Whether the person plays tennis; dominant hand; a brief description of tennis experience; the year they started playing; playing level (according to the NTRP system); strong side in the game; tennis racket and strings; favorite player; favorite surface; convenient time to play; whether they are looking for a tennis partner; the tennis club they belong to.
  • Results of played tennis matches: Sets, games, match date, court where the match was played.
  • Statistical indicators of tennis matches: Rating points, the ratio of won to played matches/sets/games, the probability of winning against a selected other player.

2.7. The purposes of personal data processing are:

  • Player identification: Used to process your product orders, issue financial documents (e.g., invoices).
  • Facilitating the organization of tennis tournaments: Contacting players, solving issues related to rna.lt services, helping players find opponents of their level and contact them.
  • Systematizing the player’s match history and providing statistical indicators based on it.
  • Calculating player rating points.
  • Helping to find a tennis training partner.
  • Informing about tennis tournaments and providing other relevant tennis information.

2.8. Data collected during the use of the rna.lt website, such as IP address, date, time, and viewed pages, are stored on rna.lt servers only for statistical purposes. Such statistical data collection will not allow the visitor’s identity to be directly or indirectly determined. rna.lt may perform (anonymous) statistical evaluations. The IP address is not used for visitor identification purposes.

2.9. The personal data of registered players of the rna.lt website are stored on the HOSTINGER server, which is protected by technical and organizational measures against data loss, destruction, access, alteration, or dissemination actions. Access to the data is only available to authorized persons of rna.lt who are responsible for the technical, commercial, and content editorial maintenance of the server.

2.10. Personal data collected by the rna.lt website can be viewed by:

  • Website visitors: All data except contact data are publicly displayed on the website for all visitors. The player can limit the public display of some of their data.
  • Logged-in players: Contact data is only available to logged-in players if they are participating in the same tournament at the time or if the player has marked in their profile that they are looking for a partner.
  • rna.lt team members: Have access to all (without exception) player data.

2.11. Personal data collected by the rna.lt website can be managed by:

  • The Players themselves: Each player can edit the data they have entered by logging into the website. Players cannot edit tennis match data (once the match data has been entered).
  • rna.lt team members: Have access to all player data and can edit it if necessary. They can also edit tennis match data if needed.

2.13. The rna.lt team, when processing personal data, undertakes to:

  • Maintain the confidentiality of Personal Data.
  • Process Personal Data in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts, and these Rules.
  • Not disclose, transfer, or allow access to Personal Data to any person not authorized to process Personal Data by any means.
  • Immediately notify the head of rna.lt or the person appointed by him/her of any suspicious situation that may pose a threat to the security of Personal Data.

3. Implementation of Personal Rights

3.1. By submitting a personal identification document to the rna.lt institution, a Player has the right to receive information about the sources from which their Personal Data was collected, the purpose for which it is processed, and to whom it is disclosed. The opportunity to access Personal Data is provided upon submitting a written request to the rna.lt institution by mail or email.

3.2. Upon receiving a Player’s inquiry about the processing of their Personal Data, rna.lt responds as to whether the related Personal Data is being processed and provides the requested data to the Player no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the Player’s inquiry. At the Player’s request, such data is provided in writing to the specified address or email address.

3.3. The opportunity to destroy one’s Personal Data or to suspend the processing of one’s Personal Data is provided to the Player upon submitting a written request to the rna.lt institution by mail or email or an oral request if the Player can be identified. Upon receiving such a request, rna.lt immediately verifies the Personal Data and, at the Player’s request, immediately anonymizes the player’s profile (as described in the “Main Concepts” section) or, if there is no tennis match information, completely deletes the player’s profile.

3.4. rna.lt promptly informs the Player about the destruction of their Personal Data or the failure to do so upon the Player’s request.

3.5. rna.lt ensures all other rights, guarantees, and interests of data subjects as provided by the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Transfer of Personal Data

4.1. Personal data may only be provided to those Data Recipients with whom rna.lt has signed appropriate agreements regarding the transfer/provision of Personal Data, and the Data Recipient ensures adequate protection of the transferred Personal Data. Personal data may also be transferred to third parties in cases and procedures provided for in the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

4.2. rna.lt does not use or disclose special personal information, such as information about health, racial origin, religious beliefs, or political views, without the explicit consent of the Player, except where required or permitted by law.

4.3. Personal data may also be transferred to third parties in cases and procedures provided for in the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

5. Risk Factors of Personal Data Protection Violations

5.1. A personal data protection violation is any action or inaction that may cause or causes undesirable consequences and also contravenes the imperative norms of laws regulating personal data protection. The degree of impact, damage, and consequences of a personal data protection violation is determined in each specific case by a commission appointed by the head of rna.lt or an authorized person.

5.2. Risk factors for personal data protection violations include:

  • Accidental causes: Personal data protection is violated due to accidental reasons (data processing errors, deletion, destruction of information media, incorrect routing of data, system failures due to power outages, computer viruses, internal rule violations, lack of system maintenance, software testing, improper data media maintenance, inadequate line capacity and protection, computer network integration, software protection, insufficient fax material supply, etc.).
  • Intentional causes: Personal data protection is violated deliberately (unauthorized access to the Company’s/hotel’s premises, personal data storage, information systems, computer networks, malicious violations of established personal data processing rules, deliberate spreading of computer viruses, personal data theft, unauthorized use of another Employee’s rights, etc.).
  • Unexpected accidental events: Lightning, fire, flood, water damage, storms, electrical installation fires, temperature and/or humidity changes, dirt, dust and magnetic field effects, accidental technical accidents, and other irresistible and/or uncontrollable factors, etc.

6. Measures for Implementing Personal Data Protection

6.1. To ensure the protection of Personal Data, rna.lt implements or plans to implement the following Personal Data protection measures:

  • Administrative measures: Establishing procedures for the secure handling of documents and computer data and their archives, organizing work processes in various operational areas, familiarizing personnel with personal data protection upon hiring and after the end of employment or similar relationships, etc.
  • Technical and software protection: Administration of servers, information systems, and databases, monitoring of workstations and Company premises, protection of operating systems, protection against computer viruses, etc.
  • Communication and computer network protection: Filtering shared data, programs, and unwanted data packets (firewalling), etc.

6.2. The technical and software measures for personal data protection must ensure:

  • Establishing a storage facility for operating system and database copies, setting copying techniques, and monitoring compliance;
  • Continuous data processing technology;
  • A strategy for system recovery in unforeseen cases (contingency management);
  • Physical (logical) separation of the program testing environment from work mode processes;
  • Authorized data usage and data integrity.

6.3. Members of the rna.lt team who have the right to process personal data or organize and implement their protection must strictly adhere to the Personal Data protection measures established by rna.lt and the requirements of corresponding rules, instructions, or procedures.

7. Personal Data Processing Period

7.1. Personal data collected on the rna.lt website are stored indefinitely. A Player has the right to request the anonymization of profile information. Requests should be sent via email to info@rna.lt.

7.2. Data collected by rna.lt for marketing purposes are used only with the Player’s consent and only while the player participates in tennis tournaments or uses other rna.lt services (e.g., marked as looking for a tennis partner), gains a ranking, and becomes ranked and for two years after losing the ranking (i.e., drops out of the ranked players’ list) or the last time they used rna.lt services.

8. Responsibility

8.1. Members of the rna.lt team who violate the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts regulating Personal Data processing and protection, or these Rules, are subject to the liability measures provided for in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. Supervision of compliance with the Rules and, if necessary, their review, is entrusted to the head of rna.lt or an authorized person.

9.2. Responsible members of the rna.lt team are familiarized with the Rules by signing.